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Organizational Structure

The Statistical Office is a unit within the Central Planning Division of the Ministry of Finance & Economic Planning.

The office headed by the Chief Statistician and is divided into two broad areas, each of which is headed by a Senior Statistician.

  • Economic Statistics (a page link explaining the roles and functions of each section)
  • Demographic and Social Statistics (same as above)

Role of the Statistical Office

  1. To collect, compile, analyse, abstract and publish statistical information relative to the agricultural, commercial, industrial, financial, social and general activities and conditions of the inhabitants of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
  2. To collaborate with the departments of the Government in the collection, compilation and publication of statistical records of administration;
  3. To take any census of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines as provided in this Act;
  4. Generally to organise a scheme of co-ordinated social and economic statistics pertaining to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


  1. Advise on all matters pertaining to statistical policy and confer with the departments of the Government to that end;
  2. Organise and maintain a scheme of co-operation in the collection, classification and publication of statistics as between the departments of Government;
  3. Report annually to the Minister with regard to the work of the Office during the preceding year;
  4. Execute such other duties as may be prescribed
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